No bullshit hardcore training



Thursday, April 12, 2012

Slow Carb Diet

1. Eat as much as you want of the following foods: proteins (lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and cottage cheese); vegetables (except white potatoes); legumes (peas, lentils, beans, and nuts); and healthy fats (fish oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil etc.).
2. Stop with fruit eating, unless you’re doing so within two hours after a workout. Have a look at the glycemic database of those fruits first to see where they fall on the index. Your body converts fruit to fat if you eat too much of it or the wrong type (more on this later). Avoid drinking milk, which easily makes your body gain fat, and avoid eating any kind of junk food or sodas. Stick with water, coffee or tea, if you can. DON”T DRINK YOUR CALORIES!
3. If you’re eating out, stick to the salads with chicken or beef and get that dressing on the side. If Mexican is an option – that’s your best bet, with Chicken, Beef or Fish and take the black beans over the re-fried. Try to stay away from the fatty sauces…
4. I’ve succesfuly used the cheat day as suggested by author Tim Ferriss (20 lbs. in 30 days). He suggests setting aside one day a week as your cheat day. You can eat everything you’re missing – junk food, white carbs, sodas, even candy bars – on your cheat day. By doing this, believe it or not, you increase your fat loss by keeping your metabolic rate high.
5. This isn’t about enjoying every bite of every meal that you eat everyday (but I’ll show you some tasty things you can eat). This is about enjoying a flat stomach and a toned body everyday. This is about sticking to a diet as part of your lifestyle.
--Matt Ollyford

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