1 Use a Fat Grip handles whenever you pull. Rows, Dead lifts, Pull ups, etc. Fat Grips are a simple tool that makes the grip thicker. This simply makes it harder to grip the handle. Use these for a couple weeks and then a regular handle feels like nothing!
3. Lift awkward stuff. Sandbags, Sand bells, tires, stones and other unconventional lifts are always challenging to your grip strength. You may have to get out of your regular gym for this stuff, but it is well worth the effort.
4. Replace your regular handles with something new. Gi sleeves, towels, ropes, climber holds, rolling thunder handles, baseball grips, fat handles and other grips variations can completely change an exercise. Simply changing a grip will change how your body has to adapt and grow.
5. Work your fingers. Try lifting things by simply hooking your fingers around the bar, bell, etc. You can use all of your fingers or use only certain fingers (just pinky to middle fingers). Most people have strong thumbs and pointer fingers, but their other fingers are not as strong. One of my recent favorites is a trick we learned from John “Wild” Buckley. Try dead lifting only using one finger from each hand. Obviously, you will not be using much weight, but this is incredibly effective at developing strength in your fingers. I also like using various rock climbing holds for pull ups.
Here are a few challenges:
1. Pull up bar hang – simply hang from a pull up bar, palms forward, feet off the floor. How long can you hang?
2. Farmer Carry – Pick up 2 heavy dumbells and walk for distance. Post the weight you used and distance.
3. Towel Pull up – Throw a towel over your pull up bar and do as many pull ups as you can. You must go all the way down and all the way up for each rep. Simply grab the towel and go…no wrapping your hands in the towel. Post your results.
4. Pinch Grip – Pinch two weight plates together, smooth side out. You can use two 10lb plates, 2 25lb plates or larger. Your goal is to pinch grip the two plates for time. Post your results.
5. Claw Grip – Turn a dumbell on end and claw grip the end, hold for time. Try to keep your fingers and thumb on the smooth sides of the end and hold for time.
This is a great blog for details on grip strength. I like to use a rolling pull up bar to boost grip strength. Check out a good example at revolutionbarfitness.com