No bullshit hardcore training



Wednesday, February 6, 2013

10 Ways to Project Power

by Victor Pride


1) Talk Loud
Make sure people can hear you. Talk loud, talk proud, don’t stutter and don’t “umm” and “uhh” through your conversation. You don’t need to yell, but you need to project your voice. Make sure everyone can hear you. When you talk at someone they shouldn’t have to say “What? Huh? What did you say?“. No one needs to guess what your answer is, the power is in “yes” and “no”. “Umm, well, you know, I think maybe…” does not project power.
2) Don’t dress like a gay or a nerd or a hipster
Yes, we all know gays are fabulous but they aren’t powerful. They are sissified half men who do everything in their power to look as fruity as possible. When you dress like a gay you look dickless. Many otherwise straight boys dress gay, and that’s fine for those sissies, but for a man of power it’s unacceptable. There is power in a well fitting suit and tie. There is power in a well fitting t-shirt that accentuates your build. There is no power in skinny jeans, or man purses, or whatever other bullshit those silly-heads are wearing.
3) Build a big back
Obviously, having a muscular figure is powerful. Probably the most overlooked bodypart is the back, which is a shame because the back is a huge muscle group. You can’t see your back so often it is neglected. That’s unfortunate, because a big, broad back screams power. If you happen to stand in an elevator behind a fella with a huge back you’ll know right away that the guy is no minnie mouse. A big back just looks powerful, more powerful than big arms or a big chest, or even big shoulders. Hit your pullups, bent barbell rows and your heavy rack deadlifts religiously. Even though you can’t see your back, all that hard work will pay off. Anytime I happen to catch my back in a mirror (anyplace that there are mirrors in the front and back) I’m always a little shocked at how well all the back work has paid off. A big back just looks damn strong, don’t neglect it.
4) Don’t be self deprecating
When you make fun of yourself people lose respect for you. Clearly, you do not believe in yourself so no one else should believe in you either. It is infinitely better to be arrogant than it is to be humble and self-deprecating. It takes arrogance to be highly successful and it takes arrogance to be a leader. You must believe in yourself and you must believe you can do a better job than anyone else. People will cry about you being arrogant, but they’ll cry while they follow all the rules set by the arrogant leaders.
5) Don’t follow the rules
The rules are for the herd, the average Joe and Jane who will never amount to anything. The rules do not apply to the powerful, simple as that. (Note: I said rules, not laws). You’ve heard a million idiots say “But I did everything right! I followed all the rules and I still got shit on!“. Here’s a tip for the rule followers: Rules are designed for you to get nothing and give everything. You’ll not get a damn thing by following the rules, the rules are set by the powerful to keep you down and to keep them up. Whine and boo-hoo about it all you want but go fetch your daddy’s coffee while you’re doing it. What rules did Steve Jobs, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Mark Zuckerberg follow? Rules are for those who wish to be ruled. The power is in getting others to follow your rules.
6) Walk with power
Walk tall and stand proud. No hands in the pockets baloney. Don’t drag your feet on the ground, don’t walk with your head down, don’t be a minnie mouse and try to get out of everyone’s way.
7) Never apologize
I get at least 5 guys apologizing to me everyday. Usually it’s in the gym, I’ll be walking with my 5 lb pink dumbbells in my hands and some guy is in my way and he says “sorry”. That happens constantly. Never apologize for just being there. Don’t start a conversation with “sorry”. Don’t end a conversation with “sorry”. Just don’t say sorry, period.
But what if you do something terribly wrong and are truly sorry?
There’s an easy fix for that, friend: Don’t do anything terribly wrong. Problem solved.
8) Maintain eye contact
When you speak with someone you look them in the eyes. Don’t look around the room or the floor or the ceiling. Look at the eyes, the windows of the soul.
9) Always give a firm handshake
Your handshake says everything about you. A firm handshake is powerful. What is a limp wristed, loosey goosey handshake? It is the opposite of powerful.
10) Don’t let your woman call you honey, or sugar, or dear
Guess what? Your woman is going to call you anything you tell her to. The key is to tell her, not ask her. The goofballs with the slouched backs and the khaki shorts let their women call them honey or sugar or, worst of all, dear. All highly emasculating names for a man. She will call you whatever you want, if you want to be called dickless then she is going to call you dear or honey. If you want to be called a powerful name, you just tell her. Simple as that. Tell her exactly what to say. Say “Call me daddy“. She might giggle or laugh, but never give in, never apologize, never backtrack and she will soon call you the new name and squeal with delight each time she does it. The little secret here is that women want you to have power, but they will test you and test you and try and take it away, just don’t let them. Here is another secret: The same things that turn men on, turn women on. Fella, your woman wants to feel your power – let her. There is no more powerful feeling in the world than when your woman happily calls you “daddy” or….? Sky’s the limit.
11) BONUS – Lift weights like an animal
The only thing that truly projects strength is….
Make your body as strong as you possibly can. And then make it stronger. The weight room is the man maker, the ultimate, get to know it intimately. Barbells are your best friends but sometimes they laugh at you and need to be taught a lesson. Conquer them and learn how to conquer all.
Get your power on, boys. While the gettin’s good. If you don’t want it, some other fella will scoop it up.

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