No bullshit hardcore training



Friday, September 13, 2013

History of the Kettlebell




Kettlebell Roots

by  Corey Wesley,

Kettlebells have long been used as a dynamic tool to develop strength and endurance for centuries. Their origin is still a matter of speculation, but archaeological records show evidence of their use in Ancient Greece (Sanchez, 2009, p.4). At the Archaeological Museum of Olympia, in Athens Greece, a 143 kg kettlebell is stored. On the kettlebell an inscription is imprinted with the adage “Bibon heaved up me above a head by one head” (Istorija, IUKL). Kettlebells made their way to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century, where in 1704, the word ‘Girya’ (meaning kettlebell), was first published in the Russian Dictionary. At this time, the kettlebell just happened to be used as a weight to measure grains and other goods. However, as the Russian culture views strength as an honourable quality, during festivals and fairs, vendors started swinging and lifting these kettlebells to show their strength, and quickly recognized the health benefits related to this activity.

From 1870 to 1880, Russian Dr. Vladislav Kraevsky, who is considered the founder of heavy athletics, travelled through Europe gathering information about physical culture and sports with the intention of new ways to improve health, well-being and physical education. Upon returning to Russia, the doctor introduced exercises with kettlebells and barbells to the Russian athletic community. On the 10th of August in 1885, under the leadership of Dr. Kraevsky, a weight training hall was opened. This day is considered the birth of weightlifting in Russia. The goal of the weight training hall was muscular development. Weight training was held three times per week. The athletes executed one and two handed presses, the snatch and the clean and jerk with the doctor controlling doses and loads (Baszanowski & Casadei, 2005). He gave close attention to sequence of loading, formation of skill development, correct breathing technique and methods to struggle against exhaustion. (IUKL).

Early in the 20th century, physical culturists, strong men and circus performers from around the world; such as Arthur Saxon, Edgar Mueller and Eugene Sandow, trained with kettlebells in the traditional fashion of the Russian strongmen and athletes (IUFL), introducing kettlebells to a wider audience outside of Russia.  However, World War I and a Russian civil war caused Russian sports and traditions, and ultimately the kettlebell, to stay within the Russian borders (IUKL). Nevertheless, kettlebells continued to flourish in the former Soviet Union. Training with kettlebells became common practice for people in rural areas, the military and Olympic athletes. In addition to their training program, Soviet Olympic weightlifters utilized kettlebells unilaterally in order to strengthen their weaker side. To this day, countries of the old eastern bloc rely on kettlebells for supplementing the training of many of their athletes and armed forces (Sanchez, 2009).

In Russia, kettlebells are a matter of national pride and a symbol of strength .Unlike most national armed forces, which test their soldiers with push ups; the Russian armed forces test their soldiers using the high volume kettlebell snatches with a 24 kg kettlebell (Tsatouline, 2006).  In 1981, the Russian government recognized the various benefits that kettlebells could provide its working citizens; and an official commission enforced mandatory kettlebell training for the masses, relying on the kettlebell to increase productivity and to decrease the healthcare costs of the country (Sanchez, 2009, p 7).

From being used as a weight for market products in Russia, to a tool for athletic development and health, the kettlebell slowly developed into a sport of its own. By 1974 it had been officially declared the ethnic sport of Russia (Sanchez, 2009, p. 6) and in 1985 the First National Championship of the USSR was held in Lipetsk, Russia.   

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