No bullshit hardcore training



Sunday, November 17, 2013

5 Tips to improving your log press

  1. Clean each Rep: start with multiple sets of 3 and really work on cleaning submaximal weights fast and efficiently. Alternate between that and max clean and press in 60 seconds with a weight you can get for between 6-10 reps. Once you can get 10 add weight. Having to do so many cleans especially in a fatigued state will drill the movement pattern in your head so it becomes second nature
  2. Upper Back Work: Your upper back really can’t be too strong and it is needed to have a solid base to press off of. My favorite Upper back movements are 1 arm db rows, face pulls, front squats and reverse ring flies
  3. Front Squats: This is the king of building a big log press. It will make your quads strong to develop powerful leg drive. Make your clean more explosive, Increase your upper back and core strength so the log doesn’t fold you and get used to handling weights on your chest.
  4. Bench Press: Yes you should bench press. I do not know where this theory that bench doesn’t carry over to strongman happened but if you look at just about every strongman with a big log press they all bench a lot usually with a ton of volume. Stick to the close grip varieties. My favorites are incline bench and close grip in a sling shot.
  5. Zydrunas Press: I mean it was coined by the strongest overhead presser yet to live so it might be a good idea for you to give them a try too. Sit on the floor with legs flat in a power rack with the barbell sitting below the chin on the pins. Get tight or else you will fall backwards. Start light! It is a humbling move.

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