No bullshit hardcore training



Thursday, March 27, 2014

67 Tips on Happiness, Fulfillment & Life

Jason Ferruggia

 “The meaning of life is that it is to be lived.”- Bruce Lee

1) Always have a quest.

2) Don’t feel the need to justify your opinion

.3) Cut your expenses in half. Then cut them again.

4) Don’t die without any scars. Like Tyler Durden advised

.5) Remember that everyone wants to feel important.

6) Don’t fall into “the busy trap.” It’s okay to not always be “on your grind,” 24/7.

7) Learn something from everyone you meet.

8) Take more risks without fear of making mistakes.

9) Sweat every day.

10) Get Facebook and email off your phone. Better yet, delete your Facebook profile.No one ever got rich checking their email more often.” - Noah Kagan

11) Never “grow up.”

12) If you haven’t worn something in more than two months get rid of it.

13) Send more hand written notes.

14) Not everyone will like you. You need to be okay with that.

 15) You don’t have to respond to every Tweet, email, call or text message. That’s a form of slavery

.16) Question authority.

17) Learn to do something artistic- paint, draw, play an instrument

.18) Keep your cell phone off the dinner table.

19) Get punched in the face at least once. Everyone needs that. (Keeping your phone on the table is a good way to facilitate that)

20) Say “please” and “thank you” more than everyone else

.21) Repeat a persons name aloud when you first meet them.

22) Never waste time arguing on the internet.

23) Carry a book with you wherever you go. A real book.

24) When you’re with friends or family members, be with them 100%. Don’t think about work or check your phone.

25) Make a difference in someone’s life.

26) Never discuss how much money you make.

27) Go for a walk every day.

28) Be the first one to try everything.

29) Slow down.Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” - Lao Tzu

30) Don’t watch the news. It’s depressing. If something important happens you’ll know.

31) Tell your friends you love them.

32) Smile before you pick up the phone and say “hello.”

33) Give advice only when it’s asked for.

34) Don’t give it a second time if the person didn’t listen the first.

35) Do things that make you uncomfortable.

36) Everyone’s looking for a leader. Stand up and lead.

37) Turn off your cell phone after 7pm. Or at least set some kind of boundaries.

38) Get out of debt. Take it from someone who was buried in it.

39) Spend more time doing only things you’re passionate about.

40) Change the way things are normally done.

41) Say less, listen more.

42) Think long and hard before you make the decision to go to college or grad school. Read The Education of Millionaires before you do. And visit this website

43) Challenge the status quo.Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain

44) Spend some time to come up with a really fucking cool bucket list and start working your way through it.

45) Make more time to spend with your friends and family.

46) Get your hands dirty.

47) Daydreaming and saying “I want” or “I wish” are the signs of an amateur. Be a pro.

48) Do things that scare the shit out of you.

49) Remove all stressful people and situations from your life.

50) Whenever you see a member of the military, thank them.

51) Pick up the check.

52) Travel more. This doesn’t always cost as much as you think. Read this book for some ideas.

53) Help others make their dreams come true.

54) Anger, jealously and bitterness ruin your life. Be happy for everyone.

55) Laugh every day.

56) Pay your credit cards off each month.Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” - Will Rogers

57) Reinvent yourself

.58) Dream bigger. Most people don’t think they can accomplish big things so they settle for mediocrity. Don’t be like everyone else.

59) Quit your job. Life shouldn’t be spent doing shit you hate. Benefits and security aren’t worth your happiness.

60) Save more of your money. Trust me on this.

61) Read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

.62) Everyone wants to change the world. That doesn’t make you unique. Acting on that desire does.

63) Eat your steak rare.

64) Drink your coffee black.

65) Try completely unplugging one day per week. Or at least, per month.

66) Remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

67) Call your mom more often. Now would be a good time. -

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