No bullshit hardcore training



Monday, June 9, 2014


Poliquin Group™ Editorial Staff

 Eggs are a perfect source of protein, scoring highest on the scientific scale for protein quality because they provide a wealth of amino acids that are used by the body to repair muscle tissue.
Add to that an array of powerful brain nutrients and beneficial fats and you’ve got a super food that will keep you satisfied and promote optimal body composition.
Just look at all the good things about eggs:
•    They have the second highest concentration of leucine after milk, which is the most important amino acid for building muscle.
•    They contain choline, which is used by the body to make a critical neurotransmitter called acetylcholine that improves brain function and is beneficial for motivation.
•    Choline also helps the liver to detoxify and avoid accumulating fat, and a healthy liver means you’ll have a better metabolism and produce energy efficiently.
•    Eggs are high in two important vitamins, D and K, that are fat soluble, which means eggs are a highly bioavailable source that allows for maximal absorption. Both vitamins are necessary for bone building, and vitamin D is involved in metabolic processes and development of muscle quality and strength.
•    They are rich in the antioxidants selenium, lutein, and zeaxanthin that can reduce inflammation in the body and promote overall health.
Eggs perform well in weight loss trials and eating them has been found to improve insulin health and metabolism:
•    One study found that people who ate 3 eggs a day on a reduced carb diet lost more body fat (5 kg in body in a 12-week study) than a group on a reduced carb diet without eggs.
•    Eating eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel results in better glucose tolerance and satisfaction with a meal. Eggs also cause the release of hormones that keep you full, which leads people to eat less at subsequent meals.
•    They’re a valuable protein source for athletes. In a review that discusses how egg protein, researchers write that eating eggs can enhance energy production, stimulate protein synthesis, and aid in recovery from intense training.

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