No bullshit hardcore training



Saturday, June 21, 2014

Every coach and phys ed teacher I have ever known regardless of the sport feels that they can coach athletes in the weight room. They feel all they have to do is be appointed by a board of education and this qualifies them as a strength coach. Many of these coaches should have spent some time in the weight room when they were athletes. These coaches use cookie cutter programs from other schools us...ually their favorite college and lead their troops like sheep through the program. The athletes and coaches become comfortable being average. They lift because that's what they are supposed to do. They go through their workout like they were completing a school assignment. These places might have some of the toys tires,sleds,etc but are generally clueless in their use.Well it take more then a key to a weight room to be a strength coach. If these coaches do it just to supplement their income they are not coaches they are just weight room supervisors making sure everyone behaves themselves. There are athletes that do (what they are told and go through the motions) and those that want (to separate themselves from ordinary and become champion) We at the INSTITUTE OF IRON are interested in those that want more,those that just do belong with the herd of sheep and weight room supervisors anyway

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