No bullshit hardcore training



Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How To Get Lean Without Cardio


by Orde Manevski

I want to make it clear from the start, I don't believe that you shouldn't do any sort of cardiovascular exercise. Cardio is important for your health and general endurance. The reason for writing this post is to inform you that there is a way of dropping down body fat without cardio, unlike most think. Is it optimal? In my opinion, hell no.
There are few simple steps that you have to do. First of all, you have to track your caloric intake for a week. Don't deviate from your diet and train or do other physical activities like you would normally do. If your body weight is approximately the same then you can simply calculate your average daily caloric intake.
Once you've calculated your daily caloric intake simply subtract 300-500 calories and watch your body fat going down.
When you hit a plateau, and you will, trust me, you will have to subtract another 300-500 calories from your daily caloric intake. One can do that until he/she is pleased with the results.
Yes, it is that simple.

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