No bullshit hardcore training



Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"As for diet, eat food, develop good habits and start pushing the Prowler. If you are looking to me to improve body comp, you’ve come to the wrong guy. We only train for performance. When you do that, everything improves including the quality of trim you get to poke.
If you want to get lean, eat Paleo or Zone or whatever. All the normal, mainstream diets are pretty much the same. They are all repackaged with different spokesperson, different hook but pretty much the same shit is being shoveled. Just do what EVERY SINGLE SMART PERSON HAS EVER DONE: look at the big picture, see the common elements and then use some common sense.

If you want to get big as fuck/strong as fuck, eat the above diets and then eat about triple of whatever they recommend and then have a large pizza every night. The funny thing is that people are afraid of food – as if eating a couple steaks and a dozen eggs a day is the same as 14 Mountain Dews and 16 Big Macs. We have such a weird obsession with food in this country – love and hate and love and hate."-- J Wendler

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