No bullshit hardcore training



Saturday, December 11, 2010

Give Thanks that you Can Play the game

In this day of political correctness, where one is unsure what to say or how to say it. we often as coaches get lost in what we believe and what we are forced to do. I remember two years ago a coach in New Jersey was criticized and almost made to step down for his practice of saying a prayer with his team before a game. he was coach of the year two times in that conference and his team won or played in many championships. He also sent many boys to college programs as well as worked in bettering the leauge through the development of all star games . His team always participated in the pre game prayer. A board member complained one voice with a little power and it became big news. In this day of declining morals , discipline, respect, sport is one place that coaches try to instill standards. No one is trying to force religion on these young athletes, but maybe instill the spirt of the game, Below is a prayer I like that explains my feelings:

The Athlete’s Prayer
God (or Adonai or Allah), let me play well but fairly.
Let competition make me strong but never hostile.
In this and in all things, guide me to the virtuous path.
If I know victory, grant me happiness;
If I am denied, keep me from envy.
See me not when I am cheered, but when I bend to help my opponent up.
Seal it in my heart that everyone who takes the field with me becomes my brother.
Remind me that sports are just games.
Teach me something that will matter once the games are over.
And if through athletics I set an example – let it be a good one.


An Athlete's Prayer
Help me to be a good athlete and a good member of my
team: to accept discipline and to train well, to play hard but to
play fair, to play the game for the good of the team and not for my
own honor and glory, to obey instructions without arguing,
not to resent it if someone else is preferred, to be a credit to my
team wherever I play and wherever I go. Thank you for making my
body strong and help me to use my gifts of health and strength
to give glory to you in this game and in everything I do. Amen

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