No bullshit hardcore training



Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Clean Pull

Stance & Grip - Step over the bar with your feet hip width apart.  The bar should be almost touching your shins.  Grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width, wrist curled, elbows pointing out to the end of the bar, and arms straight.  Keeping your feet flat, bend hips and knees to achieve a position of chest-over-knees-over-toes.  Shoulders are slightly ahead of the bar.  Your back should be straight, abs tight, chest inflated with air, shoulder blades pinched together, and eyes focused straight ahead.

First Pull - Begins from the time the bar leaves the floor and ends when the bar reaches a height just below the knee.  Squeeze bar off of the floor by extending the legs while keeping back straight.  Your chest and shoulders should remain up.  Do not allow the weight to pull your upper body forward or round your back over.  Do not jerk the weight off the floor, lift with a smooth, constant speed.

Scoop - Begins at knees and ends as the hips come forward and your shoulders rotate back.  Bar should move along the thighs while the hips move forward and upward.  The knees move slightly back under the bar while the shoulders move up and back.  (If you keep the bar close to your body during the pull, this phase will happen naturally.)
Explosion (Second Pull) & Finish - Jump straight up fully extending the hips, knees, and ankles while violently shrugging the bar.  Squat down and return bar to the floor bending at the knees and hips.  Reset for next repetition.

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