One: Never forget what you are. Not who
you are -- what you are. You are a human being.
This lone makes you capable of handling
your life and the direction of it. Its circumstances. Its quality.
Its outacome. Its influences. Your attitude. You hold the power to
not only control what you will think about it, what your attitude
will be about it, but also what you will think to do, or not do,
about it. Your power of choice does not lie with anyone else. Your
power to make choices and take action lies in your mind, not someone
else's. You DO hold the power to handle your life and the
circumstances dealt you. The reality is: the human being is created
to have control over their life. No human being is absent this
Two: Remove Yourself...
Get away from tv and radio news
programming and online news sites. Turn them off. Better yet, throw
them out. Get rid of them for good. So much of what is going on in
the world today to create the negative environment, you have
absolutely no control over. No control whatsoever. Whether you pay
attention or not will never matter. Any attention given is time
wasted. Don't fool yourself into believing that by giving attention
to the negativity and misery you are somehow becoming more
intelligently informed or might be inspired to come up with a
solution to it all. The full truth is never given or fought for on
these programs and you can't save the world all by yourself. Build a
impenetrable kind of self-discipline whereby you don't even spend the
energy to ignore the negative. Make a promise to yourself that you
will be so strong that nothing can disturb your optimistic frame of
Three: Read and listen...
Read inspiring literature. Only.
Nothing else. Start with self improvement books and audiotapes. Until
you build pure self-motivation, you have to expose yourself to
motivating ideas wherever you can find them. You will do so by
reading and listening to these products. While you are doing this,
also begin a Great Book of the Western World. The penetrating
inspiration you get back in return for reading these books that may
at first sight seem above you, but, by making the effort, you will
heighten your belief in the awesome human potential we all hold.
People before us have faced greater challenges and done greater
things than any of us living today. Reading the Great Books will
prove that to you, and also inspire you to raise the standards by
which you live your own life.
Four: Exercise hard...
Exercise your body with intensity for
at least an hour and a half a day, everyday. Go to a gym and kick
your own ass. Physical activity is the quickest and most effective
way to kill worry, doubt and fear; the mortality rate is 100%.
Everything about you and the quality of your life gets better with
Five: Eat healthy food...
The quickest most effective way to
begin building healthy eating habits, especially if you do not have
the habit of doing so, is start with removing all junk fast food from
your diet. Stop eating it altogether. NOW. Completely. This will be a
huge first step if you are like so many other people who eat out more
than they eat at home. The quick and impressive results you get from
this will motivate you to want to learn more, and from there, the
knowledge is easy to find.
Six: Be thankful and grateful for what
you do have...
This is an old cliché, but the reason
it's not worn out is that it rings so true. If you take the time to
look around -- really take the time -- you will see that you already
do possess so many things that you should be grateful and thankful
for, things of incredible wealth. And all of it is priceless. None of
it can be replaced with money. I believe that until we are grateful
for what we do have we aren't deserving of much else, and karma has
its way of keeping you stuck with what you have and where you are
until you get your appreciation priorities straight.
Seven: Tell them...
Tell the ones you love that you love
them, every chance you get, because you never know when your chances
will run out. A lot of times life doesn't come to an end with a date
and time announcement. One moment someone is here, the next moment
they are not. And even when we know an end is forthcoming, never can
we be fully prepared. Love for someone is the greatest booster of
happiness for our hearts, and one day down the road, the greatest
breaker of it, too. You never know when...none of us do. But if you
take advantage of every chance you get, you won't ever have to wonder
if your loved ones always knew.
Eight: Meditate...
Spend a little bit of quiet,
undisturbed time in deep thought. Just find a place where you can sit
quietly and spend some time thinking about your life, your human
potential, and envision the quality of life and experiences you want
for yourself and your family. Concentrate on your breathing and peace
of mind.
Nine: Laugh...
Make the time to find the humor in
something everyday. Every chance you get even make fun of yourself.
There will always be the serious things you have to tend to, and you
should pursue them seriously. But there are plenty of funny moments
you cross paths with throughout the day. When it happens, chuck the
seriousness for a few minutes and have a big laugh. If you have kids,
you won’t have to wait long.
Ten: Pray...
Pray and give thanks to whatever
Creator you believe in. NEVER pray for help. Pray for greater and
tougher challenges. He Created you with all the help you will ever
need. Don't disrespect Him by asking for more. NEVER pray for
guidance. Pray for exposure to deeper mystery. Fear of finding your
own way in this lifetime is not living, it is passing wasted time
till you are dead.
Eleven: Believe. Always. Always believe
that you have within you the potential to do something unique and do
whatever you set your mind and actions to do.
In some wonderful one-of-a-kind way you
are unlike anyone else. All of us human beings here on this planet,
all of us so much alike in so many ways, but each of us with our own
life story. Your story is your story, not anyone else's. You were
created with a singular unique soulprint to do something creative
like no other human being who has lived or will ever live. What that
"thing" is that only you can do has unlimited potential.
However, because that thing is yours to do and no one else's, no one
else can discover it for you. Only you can. You find it by believing
that it does indeed lie inside of you. It's not that you have to
know, right now, exactly what that unique creative thing is you have
the potential to do. What matters is that you believe with all you
are that it lies inside of you. This is where you start. Nothing
matters more than always believing in the potential you hold to do
something no one else can and the potential you have to think and act
to bring it to life.
These are the "philosophy of life"
things I practice everyday to stay positive and inspired.
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